Thursday, February 23, 2017

Adults Let's Pull It Together!

It's amazing how we teach our children to play nice, respect others and treat those the way we want to be treated yet this past week I have seen nothing but slander and rudeness and it's all from adults!

For my readers who live in Norwalk I am sure you have read, seen or even attended some board meetings in discussion of plans to help Norwalk Schools. There's overcrowded classrooms and mold and the school system is a mess. There was a plan in place that recently got pulled back into new direction. Well here comes the issues. These education sites have turned into a venting, blaming, rude forum for parents and officials to really bash eachother and it is not pretty.

I have always kept my ear open to what was happening in the schools and have voiced my concern when I have heard enough but now it's like trying to get children to be civil and get along to get results.

This is not how parents, adults or officials should be acting. It's quiet disturbing how offensive people get. How rude they are to one another. The focus is now not what the main goal is: to create better, healthier, efficient atmospheres for our children and teachers.

I think as parents and political parties and adults we need to think before we speak, not take things so personal and handle situations in a way we are teaching our children to.

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