Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Always Be Aware Of Your Surroundings: Momma Bear

I took my little one to the store this morning. It wasn't busy at all and we took our time going through. About midway I noticed a guy acting funny around me. He had a book bag and no groceries or a cart. Whenever we made eye contact he would smile and turn the other direction, and distract himself. I started to feel a little on guard. Now there are workers throughout the store so you do feel safe and an older couple near me the whole time. We make our way through and I begin to notice he's acting stranger and stranger. My daughter is in the front of the carriage and my purse is in my carriage. Our jackets are over the groceries.

Maybe he's one of those secret shoppers I thought and move my jackets to below, no longer covering the groceries. I thought about going to the security guard but say to myself if he is at the exit when I leave I will ask them to walk me to my car. Now if I was alone I wouldn't be so on guard but since my two year old was with me I became extremely uneasy.

We get to the end of the store where they sell hot food. I place my order and notice he is still hovering around. I ask the older couple if he was with them. The woman said no but said he walked in same time with us so probably just making his way around with us. She kindof seemed short and annoyed like I was assuming this guy was going to do something wrong. Ok I respond. Just then he comes very close to my daughter. I turn around and ask him if I can help him with something, not in a nice way and he shakes his head. I said listen you keep hovering over me throughout the store and I don't appreciate it. He nods and walks away.

I am now on fire. Momma Bear mode has kicked in.  I can totally take his guy on. He's my height and not very heavy. I calm myself down and head to check out. The whole time I am scoping the store for him but he's gone. I order my daughter an ice cream and have her eat outside the store in an area. No sight of him. He's completely gone.

Now should I have gone to security? Probably but I was so in defense mode that my focus was to make sure this guy didn't see some oblivious mom shopping with her child.

Be aware of your surroundings! This is something so easy NOT to do especially with the distractions with a child or cell phone. This guy walked through the whole store and didn't buy anything. I do not know his intentions and thinking about it truly ticks me off but moms please, especially when you are with your child, be cautious of your surroundings. And if you see something or someone makes you uncomfortable say something to them. I totally think me not being so nice made it clear to this guy to back off.

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