Saturday, March 25, 2017

LulaRoe Party...Winner Two Leggings For Price Of One

I have avoided these parties for a while now. Not because I didn't like their stuff but because I didn't need anything else to be addicted to.  So my friend hosted a pop up and of course I went to show her some support. I tried on a couple of stuff and got entered into a raffle. Some leggings were super cute but when I tried in the design stretched out a little too much so went with the least crazy design. I had to leave before it ended and before a raffle winner was picked. 

I was torn between two designs and joked with my friends if I won the raffle then grab me the other pair. Sure enough I get a text that I won. It was meant to be. So if you haven't heard of these parties before they are a huge trend happening. They now have a kids line and even some men items. The leggings are super soft and comfortable.  Prints super cute, a little crazy some of them but add style to moms. The catch is they only print a certain number of each item and that's it. Then new inventory comes out and styles to choose from. It's like a pop up clothing store. I am excited to wear my two new ones and just hope this isn't a new must have for me. 

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