Sunday, March 5, 2017

Splash Zone At Chelsea Piers

I wanted to do something different with the kids to celebrate my middle one turning four so after some research I said to my husband let's take them to the water park after school at Chelsea Piers in Stamford Connecticut.

I booked our spot in the morning, $20 per child and $10 for a parent- who has to be in the water with young children. We show up and I love the fact they have a family locker room. Being a mom of three girls means dad gets off the hook with helping with the rest rooms and locker rooms but when there is  a family one we all can join in together. We change and head over to the water park.

 It's super warm in the area. Perfect for the kids running in and out. Children have to be 48 inches to go on the big water slides so the two little ones use the smaller slides why my oldest daughter has a blast on the big ones. They have the cutest stuff there for toddlers. The time slot was for an hour which was plenty of time. After they were hungry and ready to go to dinner. 

I would absolutely go back. It's a great place to switch it up with the kids. The first time I have been to Chelsea Piers was a month ago for a focus group and I was absolutely amazed at how cool it was. Water park, pools, gym classes, ice rinks. It's ginormous. My parents as a gift to my daughter gave us passes to go back. It is so much fun. Check it out:


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