Thursday, March 16, 2017

Teacher Conferences: They Got It From Their Mamma

Today was conference day. It started with Pre K orientation for my youngest. She did so well! There's always that thought in the back of your mind-please don't mess this up kid. Then there's those kids that run out of the classroom crying. Before you know it they were coming in one after another. Wow they are dropping like flies I said to my husband. My kid didn't want to leave- go figure. It's like you want to talk your kid up and then pray they don't do something crazy like eat the play dough. So parents who kids didn't handle this well, it's ok. It happens. 

Then was my middle child's conference. She's amazing and smart and I have nothing but good things to say was her teachers response. Now keep in mind this is my kid the doctor suggested speech therapy a year ago. It's amazing how kids change and fast. Super proud parent moment. I said well can we focus on teaching her to brush her hair. The aide said well she loves when I do her hair. Send in a brush. I just laughed. Of course she does I thought. I am not a strict mom but also can't stand sticky faces or knotty hair and well my kids don't mind it. I always say they look like the children from the movie "Annie" and it drive a me crazy. 

Off to the third conference. I always loved my daughters elementary school teachers. One main reason she's still in the Norwalk Public School system. They are really amazing. We chat for a while about baseball. As the teacher is talking I am glancing down at my daughter's test scores for reading. Off the charts. Now I brag because well who wouldn't but really it's funny because they say kids get their brains from their mom but yet she is SO different then me. She is in AT-Academically Talented and I was in Artistly Talented- Special Art Classes. She gets pulled out of class and they do projects that I can't pronounce and I used to get pulled out of class to paint and draw and mold stuff.  She loves science. I loved art. My English at times isn't proper or correct- I blame that on my parents who were foreigners- but all jokes aside this kid corrects my English, she is super talented in opposite ways I am. Her reading scores surpass the standard she should be in once the year is over. She gets out four books at a time from the library. I would sketch while my teacher's spoke. 

Overall I ended the night super proud. Like pat myself on the back proud. I kept think I just want to give my kids the world. Like really. It's motivation for me to keep having them be the best they can be while wanting a bigger house for them so they have their own space, own reading nook, own craft table and  making sure we put away enough money so they can attend the best college or any college they want. To go to medical school. I want to show them the world. Not materialistic stuff because that fades but give them the opportunity to excel at everything they can. Not for bragging rights but for pure knowledge. To gain wisdom. That's my dream for them. 

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