Sunday, March 5, 2017

Well That's Life: At That Moment All The Memories Come Back To You

We celebrated my daughter turning four this weekend. The party was such a success that my sister texted me and said she gave it an At. The funny thing is I kind of winged it. I mean work has been so busy. I didn't take any time off. I must have snuck out to three different grocery stores this week. I would work then do some stuff for the party. I usually pick a food theme but this time just made all my favorite dishes and those bringing a dish I requested my favorite dishes they make. So needless to say I said a couple of prayers and did my positive affirmations and the party was a hit. But it made me realize a couple of things. That things change and time flies by and there's really nothing you can do about it!

After dinner Friday night I look around and say to myself "how the hell am
I going to get this house ready by tomorrow". I take two tylenols and go to work. It's about close to 11:00 I finally finish all I have to do. My husband says goodnight and I crash on the couch. All of a sudden my dog is making a lot of noise. She snorts a lot when she's scratching her back or gets overly excited when someone comes over. But al of a sudden she's snorting super loud. I tell her to stop but she continues. I get up to see what's going on and realize her snout is stuck in side of her bed. She's foaming at the mouth. I scream for my husband and rush her outside to get some air. Relax he says, she's having a seizure. I will take her to the emergency vet. I am having a mini panic attack and pray.

She will be 16 this Fall. She's old. But also amazing. The coolest dog I have ever met. As I pace the house waiting for my husband to call or text me I get flashbacks to my dog's younger years. Her spunky self hopping all over the place. The way she would play catch. Things she hasn't done in years. I began to smile and it also was sad. Like why do things have to change? Why can't certain things remain the same. They suggested she stay over night and we said no we  wanted her home. I mean she's almost 16. We know she will die soon. What could they do to save her? They gave us medicine and I slept with her on chest that night. She's better now thankfully but things won't ever go back to way she was and it's just life.

My Dad at the party was telling me how he found pictures of when they took us to Washington DC. I must have been 8. He went on to say how great memories it was. It kind of made me sad. My parents recently turned 60. I know 60 isn't old. But it bothered me. Seeing my parents grow older. Having those health scares with my dad. It makes you want to freeze time and keep everyone the same, safe,healthy. With you. But you can't. So yes you build new memories but as time goes by realize things don't stay the same. That life changes and carries on.  That you and I or our parents or our pets don't stay young forever and somehow we have to learn to be ok with it. To cherish the moments and smiles at the memories. Sometimes it's hard for me to accept that. Sometimes you just have to say "well that's life".

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