Saturday, April 1, 2017

Four Years Cancer Free...Carry On

Driving to Yale New Haven Hospital and this song comes on and I just began to cry. I couldn't believe I left my newborn home and four year old to have my Thyroid removed from my body. It was awful, I didn't know if the cancer spread, I didn't know how much cancer I had. All I knew was my life was about to change forever. I will never forget walking into the operating room. "Just lay back, tilt your head back" I looked up and saw the lights and could see my reflection. This was it. God please don't let it spread, please let me be ok...

Four years later I am stronger then I have ever been. Even without a Thyroid, even after treatments, even after a roller coaster ride with medicine and levels.  I am a fighter, fighter for life, fighter for happiness. I beat cancer. I am strong, whatever next happens in my life I can handle it.

"Though I've never been through hell like thatI've closed enough windows to know you can never look back
If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground
Carry on"

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