Saturday, April 29, 2017

What Lessons In Life I Have Learned...

As my birthday is approaching I would like to share some words of wisdom. I probably haven't lived half of my life yet but have found some things in life I think I should live by. These have helped me see things clearer and deal with situations. 

  1. Not everyone in life will like you and it's ok because think of how many people you aren't fond of. Yeah it stings to think so and some people may show it even when you can't escape their presence but normally those are the same people you don't care to spend more time then you have to with. End of day just be yourself. Don't ever ever ever change something you like about yourself for others. It's their loss anyway. 
  2. Marriage is everyday. It's like you have to wake up and work on it like it's new everyday. I heard of an author that practices imago and she had to marry and divorce the same man 11 times before she got it right. Yes sounds like a lot of work but sometimes,especially when you have kids, it's easier to deal with what you have verse dealing with something new. Imago works. When you do it! It's helped me a lot. Like a ton, total transformation. 
  3. Karma is real. Like scary real. So keep doing good. Regardless if you see it coming back or not because in long run it does. 
  4. Be happy with yourself. Truly put yourself first. Now that's hard to say as a mom but if I don't take care of myself who will? If I am not healthy or happy I can't take care of anyone else. 
  5. Your body will change and change a lot. Like 100 times in a lifetime. Ok so I exaggerated but really it never stays the same. Doesn't mean give up on it just means learn to accept it and appreciate it. 
  6. Motherhood is fking hard. Like super hard. It's also super rewarding but hard. I won't lie. I am a total hands on parent. I do crafts. I take my kids everywhere. I am active in their life. It's hard. They can run you down. They can make you feel like you suck. Really if you never felt like that then you're totally lying. But then something happens. They kind of make you feel good and you wouldn't change it. 
  7. People can change ONLY if they are ready and willing and WANT to change. I swear you can loose your mind trying to change someone but if they don't see they have a problem well then you're wasting your time. 
  8. You are what you think. Positive affirmations work. Really truly do. You become what you believe. Always try to be positive always!
  9. Spend time with your kids and teach them everything. Kids are sponges. Really no lost causes people. Take the time and talk to them. Explain things. Challenge them. I am amazed at my kids. Amazed everyday of what they are capable of doing. It's work people. It takes time and yes I even don't do it as much as I should BUT you are molding them. You are their role model. You are their teacher. Take the time. 
  10. Never be jealous. Jealous is evil. I don't know how but my parents raised us to NOT be jealous and it stuck. Jealous is an awful feeling. It is normal for it to pop up but let that shit go. Being jealous is ugly. 
  11. Compliment people. You have NOTHING to lose making someone feel good. 
  12. Have a network of moms. Like moms who have your back. Not moms who are fake or nice only to your face. Real moms. Moms that will look out for your kid when you're not around just for the pure love of them. Moms who you don't compete with. Who you admire and make you feel good. Like touch your souls good. I am blessed to have a lot of those types of women. Truly makes you feel strong and capable and good. Really good and happy and young. Trust me. 

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