Friday, June 23, 2017

What Are They REALLY Missing Out On....

Summer is long yet so short and all I wanted was to live each day on a whim. No plans. Dinner together at night. Swimming. Adventures in the morning. I work every afternoon so take the mornings to be with my girls. Some camps lined up but really just wanted to have fun. No major commitments and then we signed up for All Stars. 

Now don't get me wrong, it's awesome to see your kid playing and having fun and trying exercise and learning BUT it's a lot of work. It's nights and you drive places and it's unpredictable. So I gave it some time and finally sat down tonight for dinner as a family - which don't remember last time we did-and said no more. Next year we will not be doing this. There's nothing to prove. It's fun. Yes. But missing Birthday parties and gatherings and get together because of tournaments is not my thing. It's not. You sit at the field almost four times a weeks for over two hours and well I enjoy it but temporary. 

I am grateful my daughter is good. She does love it and hasn't Struck out in three seasons. She's only girl on her team and players are really good to her. But this is her youth. She plays sports during school year. Summers should be off duty. Time to be a kid. Stay up late, sleep in, not rush around making sure uniforms are clean and snacks packed and at field on time. Dinner in the car.  We rush during school year and rather not at summer. 

Parents who enjoy that so be it but this Mom says no thanks. Grateful she had the experience. And happy to finish the season but won't suggest this again next year. I enjoy doing things with my kids and believe it helps build character. They learn. They are sponges. Even if it is walking on the beach at night or doing crafts. Every year they are older. Why wouldn't I want to embrace all our time together?! 

So parents before you think about committing to something so time consuming this summer look at what you are really giving up. You are probably missing out on a lot more than you think and your kids are too. Look back on the past years of their life. What memories remain? What memories do your kids bring up? What adventures did they get to explore?

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