Thursday, July 6, 2017

Everyone Needs A Time Out: Dinner at The Whelk In Westport

Schools out for summer means a lot of different things; staying up past bedtime, laundry full of wet towels and bathing suits, having three kids home is a beautiful yet hard thing to balance  I am a sucker for routine  I don't function well when my routine is off.  I do not live day by day. I enjoy mornings with kids working my afternoons, making dinner and hanging after. I enjoy a routine. Yeah things change once in a while but for most part I had a system and it worked. 

Well it's turned into more than that, cutting my hours to accommodate kids schedule, sneaking out midday to do pickup at camp, making kids dinner at 3:30 so my oldest can travel around Connecticut to play herAll Stars games. Yeah a little overwhelming.  I finally said to my husband I am making little mistakes at work and it's really getting to me! "what do you think is causing it?" He asked  Well it all started since summer began routine is off!

Be ready at 7:30 he said. So I listened. He snuck me out and took me to the Whelk in Westport. Now I have been here for happy hours and was always delicious but this time we sat on the deck in our own little spot and it was magically. I could have just eaten bread and butter and been happy. I ended up ordering their seafood stew which was so comforting and delicious. My husband ordered their steak tartare and burger. Delicious. It gave me a timeout and a second to reflect on the importance of summer. Our time with the girls. Trying to beat the school. Time hustle and bustle. Not setting the alarm in the morning. Just embracing the warm summer nights. This night really helped me a lot!  

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