Sunday, July 16, 2017

Parents & Sports Sometimes Don't Mix

Tonight at one of my daughter's baseball games a mother from another team on our league was making some comments on how the kids were playing.  I was beyond pissed. Her husband kept telling her to stop and I knew he finally said the coach's wife is right there because she stopped and looked at me. The opposite teams coach had to tell his side to stop with their comments too. Our team was making some errors,we ended up wining which isn't the point. The point is these are kids  young kids  they have good playing days and bad playing days. There's a ton of pressure on them. Playing infront of big crowds, on super hot days. Sometimes they play amazing, sometimes they can't seem to hit the ball. Regardless these are kids. They aren't getting paid, they are sensitive , one rude comment can truly affect them. Also what example are you setting for your own kids who hear you and your comments. I saw this sign the other day and it really should be put up in every field. It sums up the reality. And for those who can't keep quiet then don't come to these games. 


Source: Instagram. JustJanney

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