Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Makes Your Soul Happy?

I do a lot with my kids. A lot! I also work everyday so any mornings I have open or nights free we are doing stuff. I love it. Not always things that cost money but just walking the beach or hanging at Merwin Meadows or using our membership to stepping stones.  It's funny how sometimes people say not nice comments about it. Like oh you're doing stuff again...The weird thing is it's no harm to them. So not sure why people would think it's an issue. I mean I work. I am
Raising three kids.  My business has been growing and I am forever grateful for it. My kids are pretty smart. They are good kids too. Yeah they can act up but overall respectful. Intelligent. Well rounded and I just realized they are pretty adventurous.  My adventures may not work for everybody but I am loving it and it's been good for my soul.

So we planned back in June to do a night away in mystic. It was perfect timing because the Mystic Arts Festival was taking place. The energy in the crowd was amazing. The artists and crafts and scenery was so good for the soul. I put my hands up in the air at one point and could feel the positive energy around me. Through my body. Just awesome. So my daughter kept asking if we could take out a boat. Boat? We were hanging on the Mystic River, enjoying the festival. Then she saw a
Kayak. Let's take that out she said. Um no thanks. See I LOVE everything about the ocean except for being in it and what's in it. After an hour we finally said fine go. And my 8 year old and 3 year old kayaked the Mystic River with my husband. 

What? I know. Amazing!

So the next day was my daughters birthday and we woke up. Had breakfast. Swam at hotel. Grabbed friendlys and took the kids to the Mystic Seaport. Talk about amazing! I have been years ago but for some reason was in awe. Clean. So much interesting facts around us. The kids were loving it. The kids were finishing making a little boat with their dad so I went for a
Walk with my middle one. I found a barn with rentals. I was going to surprise them with a boat ride but next trip was 90 mins away. So instead they said we could take a row boat. Hmmm me, water, row of course I ask everyone and they are pumped so I take one for the team and we go. Of course I don't do the rowing but my husband does and my oldest is the captain. After 30 minutes I had enough and we head back to the docks. 

Our row boat 

Now on the car ride I am laughing. Our night away to mystic turned into
a super adventurous experience and my kids,well, they made it that way. I couldn't put into
words how proud I am of them to have this desire for adventure. Even certain adventures I myself
don't care to have, really shocked me. So for those who think I do too much- well you can shove it. These kids amaze me and I take full responsibility for helping them be amazing. 

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