Thursday, August 3, 2017

What's For Dinner? Asian pasta with grilled chicken and zucchini

Summer is the perfect time to get in shape. I am down 8lbs and determine to keep losing.  I have tried it all. Low carb, working out a lot, cider name it. After two back to back pregnancies with c-sections and thyroid cancer I thought I never would be back to my pre- pregnancy body. So I tried something new and it's working...counting calories. I love to
Eat and want a bagel for breakfast or a bite of cake for dessert. So by counting my calorie intake I am more cautious of what I consume.

Tonight's dinner: Asian angel hair pasta, with grilled chicken and zucchini. Super easy. Super yummy. After you cook the pasta. Drain the water. Return to the pot. Add Olive Oil, Salt, Sesame oil and soy sauce. Goes perfectly with anything. I love angel hair because a little totally fills you. Not sure why verse other pastas but works for me.

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