Friday, October 20, 2017

Hand Made Uma Descendants Hat: Mommy Win

Oh my how Friday nights change when  you're a parent....I couldn't find a hat or wig anywhere so decided to attempt one myself. Must say HUGE mommy win. Of course I spent my kid free Friday night making this  and couldn't of done it without the help from my big sis. I took my daughter to Michael's craft store this week and she picked out this perfect yarn for $5. I found a pirate's hat at Party city for $8. My sister and I spent almost 3 hours on this project- I bribed her with dinner. But really we rocked this and can't wait for my little one to try it on with the rest of her costume.  We attached the braids to safety pins and attached it to the hat. Last time I made her costume she was one years old so was fun to hang out and put my love for crafts to good use. 

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