Sunday, October 15, 2017

When To Step Back & Reflect

I took my middle one to Stepping Stones Museum the other morning while her sisters where in school. I like spending one on one time with my girls. I feel
it gives me a chance to reflect and connect with them. So there's a blackboard there and an area for adults and kids to write a message. The top board says "Adults, how do you want your kids to feel?" So I wrote Happy. I asked my daughter. "What makes you happy? Draw it for me" She replied "You make me happy Mommy"

If was really heartfelt and had me take a step back and reflect. Life is crazy. There's some situations adults go through and try to keep things normal for the kids and sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. But our job as a parent is to protect our kids and make them happy and feel loved and secure. That's what parents need to fight for. That's what parents need to make as their lifetime goal. 

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