Sunday, December 10, 2017

All Children Learn Their Own Way

My three children are completely different. They play different. They learn different. As a parent it is kindof hard to grasp. We teach them all the same and expect same results. Well my third totally had me changing up gears. My two older ones LOVED doing flash cards and by three they knew all the shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. Now my youngest is extremely smart. She also is a big jokester. She also hates flash cards. Everytime I pull them out she asks to do something else. So finally I decided to teach her, HER way. I lined the cards on the ground and instead of lifting up cards asking what it was I asked her to give me the"yellow oval" and "green circle". 

This helped me know what shapes and colors she knew. She loved this. I then asked her what letter the colors started with. Having kids isn't easy. Having three is hard. I always wished I could clone myself into three. Give them undivided attention but I can't. So instead I need to take some time and learn what each kid needs in their own way to make them happy and make learning be fun.  

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