Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Declutter Your Life

Since going through my divorce I noticed I have been focusing a lot on decluttering areas of my life. I need to make room for a better flow. Clutter tends to stress me out. People say when you declutter you are also cleaning out your emotions. Which is true. I feel so much better. I am allowing myself to "feel". I also did it this morning with my Facebook & Instagram Friend list. I know sounds so silly but do you even know who you are friends with? So I went in and removed people who I know aren't active on Facebook and people who I would never really have a conversation with. I love to share pictures of my kids and I need to be sure who is really seeing them are people I want to see them. 

Now that the holidays are over I plan on picking weekends to declutter areas of my home. My closest, my basement...even some drawers could use some TLC.

When was the last time YOU let go of stuff and allowed calmness in your life?

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