Tuesday, December 5, 2017

It's Beginning To Smell A lot Like Christmas...

I walk into the grocery store and smell cinnamon. Calming, heavenly and I look
for where this smell is coming from and it actually was scented pine cones. I put the bag in my carriage and contemplate buying them. Even though it gave me a scent of comfort and holiday spirit and actually was just $5. So I go to register and decide to buy then and then somehow got $5 off my bill so they really were free. I put them around the house and instantly it was like a big, warm, holiday hug. I know sounds so silly but when you are alone and down and tell yourself enjoy the simple things in life well that's what you do. You find happiness in little things and little gestures. Little pleasures like cinnamon scented pine cones can make your whole day better! Be sure to go buy some. 

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