Friday, December 22, 2017

Massage...How Do YOU Relax

My sister treated me to a massage last weekend. We went together to Noelle's in Stamford and it was perfect. We went on a snowy Friday night and it was so peaceful. My body was in rough shape from
Doing wood and shoveling- yeah not sure what I was thinking- but after my massage the lady asked me what I do to relax. Hmmm I paused. I had no clue so I said meditate. She's like you have so many knots in your lower back and gave me some tips on how to help them. Honestly who REALLY relaxes? When my kids are with their dad I do stuff around the house. Catch up on my errands. I will admit I have been addicted to theHall Mark channel and love some silly Holiday Love Stories. But when I think of the word relaxing I picture reading a book on the beach with a cocktail in my hand and the sound of the waves crashing in the background- yeah I know amazing. But really how do YOU relax? Because we all need time and to do stuff to help heal our body and minds. 

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