Sunday, December 10, 2017

Parenting ...It's About Teamwork From Both Parties

My daughter was so excited to go to see Pentatonix. Her father wanted to go too so my parents got an extra ticket for him. I knew it would be fine going together because it was for my daughter. We ended up staying the night due to bad weather and the focus was just on making my daughter happy. Now our divorce wasn't due to cheating it was due to two people knowing that their journey together was over. The goal is to now be a team. A parenting team. To be able to not fight for 24 hours in each other's presence is a huge win for us. We are going to need to be a team forever for our kids. And what a great gift to be able to do it in Peace. I have come to terms knowing our marriage is over and also came to terms that our actions affect our kids. To be able to work together to make this transition easy on the kids actually makes it easy on us. 

You have to realize that when your journey with someone is over it doesn't mean this person can't still be in your life. My ex will always be my children's father and by me letting go of the hurt and anger I am allowing peace between us. By taking the lessons I learned about me and my marriage is allowing that journey to turn into something else. A journey of teamwork so our girls live a life that is happiest for them. This isn't easy and takes both parties involved to understand the purpose of the new journey and accept it. I have accepted the death of my marriage but also welcome the rebirth of a new relationship as being a parenting team. 

As I mentioned before "Thank You For Your Journey " you have to own up to your part in something failing. You have to forgive the other person and yourself. 

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