Sunday, January 29, 2017

What It's Really Like Baking With Toddlers: Enjoy The Present

It was already a long day. They were crabby at dinner. One refused to put her shirt back on the other their pants.  I layed on the couch for five minutes and then said who wants to help mommy bake. I needed to make brownies for my mother in law's birthday celebration and lunch today with my family. So I pulled up their chairs and said lets go. 

Bad idea from the beginning...

My middle one went to grab her book off the container to have next to her which then knocked my glass of fresca all over the floor. I didn't even speak 
I took out the mop and cleaned up the mess. 

Ok kids let's try this again... 

I give them each a box of brownie mix and asked them to open the box. Just then realized my youngest had a stinky diaper. So my husband takes her in the play room to get changed. I reassure her we will wait. My middle one is playing with the bag filled with brownie powder. As my husband walks back in with my youngest we hear a pop and see brownie powder shoot up in the air. 

"This isn't how I envisioned my life" I said to my husband. "I just want to bake some freaking brownies" 

Clean up another mess and then can start yet again. Now I am a little red faced. Tempered. Mad lady. But pull it together and am quiet. Which is not my norm. I am normally very vocal so when I am mad and quiet that means I am beyond pissed. 

I allow them to add mini Oreos in and once their fingers hit their mouth they are off duty. So my middle one sits out and watches her little sister go to work. 

After they look at me and say thank you Mommy. Thank you?! That was an awful experience I thought. But see it was awful for me but not them. 

I remember being able to bake in peace. Alone or even with one kid in a high chair and one next to me. Now two toddlers is overwhelming. But they don't remember that. They see they got to make brownies and eat mini Oreos before bed. They enjoyed the experience while I reflected on past experiences. They enjoyed the moment and I compared it in my head to past experiences.

That moment taught me a lot. I know sounds silly. It taught me to enjoy the moment.