Sunday, February 12, 2017

Baking Banana Bread With Toddlers

I had two containers of frozen bananas and extra ripe ones on my container that needed to be used up. We spent the day reorganizing the house and moving around furniture. I turned to my husband and said I wanted to bake. He thought I was nuts.

Right before dinner I pulled up two chairs and my little ones went to work. Now keep in mind one is almost four and the other is two and a half years old. Yes there was some flour on the floor and a bit yelling on my part but it's amazing how much they can do. My middle
one is super careful now when we bake. She takes her time and what really struck me is she broke the yokes of the eggs with the hand whisk before mixing. 

When their big sister came home they ran to her to show her what they made. Delicious and amazing and building memories all at the same time!