Yes I Am That Mom...Well Maybe Just A Little Bit...

Matching outfits, extra snacks in my purse, wipes in my bag, car and kids book packs. Sticky kisses, constant timer on, balanced meals even during snacks...yes I am that mom!

When I found out I was having girls I started buying matching outfits. Sometimes there weren't exact and they were just the same color or pattern but mostly matching. Everyone  would either LOVE IT or would say soon they won't want to match, they would want their own "identity" it's ok if they don't match and so on. Well with the age difference my little ones really adore their big sister and their big sister really is still young at heart so what started to happen was I would lay out their clothes the night before and the older one will ask "Where's my shirt like theirs?" Or the middle one would say "why can't I have a dress like my big sister". I would explain by simply saying it's ok I will buy you one too next time I go to the store and they would be over it. I do ask at times if they want to match certain days too so they have a say in it. Most of the time it is yes. Another huge reason I love matching- not only because it looks super cute and is appealing to my eyes but I take my kids out a lot and it's so easy to track them but all having same color or style shirts on. Trust me try it!

Extra snacks in purse is something I always did even before kids. Before I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer they thought I was insulin resistant. I ate every two hours so was always programmed like that. Today I bring snacks everywhere. Yeah I learned my car took a hit from that but I always have something on me. Now it's not junk food. Yes sometimes it's little bites especially for my niece who is a number one fan of the funfetti. But I am a huge fan of the kids chocolate brownie clif bars since my girls aren't a fan of granola bars. I am also a huge fan of the Nature Valley dark chocolate peanut protein bars.  I even eat them. They are filled with Vitamins  and protein and also taste like chocolate. 

Wipes in my bag, cars and kids book bags. Let's face it germs are everywhere and I take my kids to a ton of places. Number one rule: once you get in the car leaving school, and any place outside of home you wipe your hands. Whenever we get home you wash your hands. I have three kids. Three. That's three times chances of getting sick and it spreading through the house. My kids are so used to routine that minute they come home they tell sitter "have to wash my hands". I am not "anal" I know it sounds like I am but the more I can prevent our home being a victim of any bug, flu, cold or whatever the happier our home can be!

Sticky kisses. I tell my kids 100 times a day I love them and love their sticky kisses. No I am not always easy on them. I am very stern sometimes too stern. I use timeout a lot. I use timers to give them five more minutes then they must brush their teeth. That timer goes over and they run, well sometimes, to tackle the task. Haven't yet gotten all three to comply at same time hoping it's an age thing. But they do encourage each other or say can you put timer on and give us a couple more minutes. Example when time goes off we have to turn tablets off and get dressed for school they will say ok girls come one listen to mom. One morning my daughter said she dreamt the fire alarm went off. She said it kept beeping mom. I said well if that ever happens you must get me right away. Then it dawned on me maybe it's that timer getting stuck in her head. 

Balanced meals. Oh the battle. Now I am a carb junkie and so is my oldest. When she was younger her iron level was low so I had to push iron rich foods and for being a kid that didn't like greens that was a problem.  She's fine now but it taught me about balance. So every meal including snacks had to have some fruit or vegetable, some type of protein and then a carb. Like the snack plates I had made in past which now I just fill up bowls variety of stuff. Popcorn and string cheese with grapes or tangerines and pretzels and yogurts. I really try to push healthy habits. Even on pizza night I try to give a bowl of yogurt with the meal and carrots and cucumbers. Something. Something that I am not sure if they yet appreciate. My oldest can polish a half of pizza if you let her -she's a no crust no cheese pizza eater-so in between I ask what else can she eat and she picks a fruit or veggie or protein and finishes her glass of water before having her last slice.

My middle one is a sugar junkie. Skinny Minnie. Eats like a bird but craves sugar and cookies and well anything sweet.  I have a "toy box" which is really a "sugar box" they can pick one candy after nap or a piece of chocolate to fulfill their sugar fix. I am trying to be fair but yet keep a balance.   I may not be doing this completely right but I was a chubby kid and I am trying hard for my kids to have a balanced life. 

I have to admit. I have a huge energy level. It almost freaks me out a little and my kids at times don't agree with my parenting style or get upset when I yell because after asking five times their jackets still aren't on or teeth brushed. But I am learning how to improve my parenting style as it goes along. 
I love crafts. Love embracing my children's childhood. Love exposing them to different things and really watching their personalities blossom. My parenting style may freak you out or you may relate. Regardless we're all trying the best we can!