Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fruit Is The New Cupcake

Remember going to school on your birthday, being all excited to have your mom bring in cupcakes and you got to pass them out to all your classmates, yeah well those days are over. With so many different food allergies and who doesn't like what, schools have done away with cupcakes and now fruit is the safest thing to bring. 

My middle one is turning 4 tomorrow. 4, crazy I know. She's changed so much this past year that she seems so much older for four. I mean four is a big number. It's no longer a toddler stage but a pre k stage and she melts my heart. I asked her preschool teacher what I could bring into her class to celebrate and she said fruit. Ugh, ok. Guess my oven won't be turned on tonight. 

I originally wanted to make fruit kabobs but who has time for that and really all I could picture is kids hurting themselves trying to pull the fruit off so instead I did a Costco run and bought a huge bag of oranges and package of strawberries. I washed all the fruit and cut into the oranges. They were pink. Crap I thought, could these be grapefruits. I tasted one and they were the most amazing oranges I ever had- and first time I had a pink one too. I read the bag they called it "power" oranges. Not really sure why but all I know is I never heard anyone bing allergic to "power" oranges so I think they will be just fine.