Thursday, March 2, 2017

Who Says You Can't Be A Unicorn

I picked up my sister and niece this morning to go to our gym class,  we haven't hung out in a couple of days since I have been swamped with work. I went on to tell her how my hours are starting to catch-up to me and being a mom and cooking and cleaning while working is adding more stress. I can't keep doing this all and keep my same routine something has to change. Maybe you see how other mom entrepreneurs are doing it she says.  Well, I responded, I don't think successful entrepreneurs are really cooking or cleaning or doing school pick up and drop off. They also pay more for full time help and I don't see them running around in the morning doing all the activities I do with my kids. Yes, she said, they do. You're not a unicorn. 

Just then her daughter starts to cough. We think she's chocking on her bagel.  I ask her if she's ok and she responds but then starts to vomit. My sister can't really turn around to help her due to her collar bone injury so I say calmly it's ok and pull off the road. I quickly pull her out of the car seat and talk to her while making sure she's really not chocking. She's fine now but a mess. So I put her in the back seat of my mini van and  change her. Wrap her in my jacket and a t-shirt I had in the car  I clean her up and my sister says "wow you handled that like a pro. Maybe you are a unicorn"

Now all jokes aside I have three kids. The more kids you have the more organized your brain gets in situations but yes I like to believe I have a special talent and haven't yet figured it out but I will succeed while not having to give up my whole purpose being me, an entrepreneur, a mom,  a somewhat stay at home mom, working mom, craft mom, baker mom and sane unicorn mom. 

Not Your Ordinary Brownie

This is the easiest way to make ordinary brownies not so ordinary. All you do is top it with your favorite cookies dough. 

Use your favorite brownie mix. Follow directions on box.  When they are baked half way top with your favorite cookie dough. Bake until golden brown.