Friday, March 10, 2017

My Current View: Snow Day!

Snow days are bittersweet as a parent. You envision the day being stuck inside in your pjs watching movies and then play outside in the snow. Make cocoa and live happily ever after.... well that could happen but maybe lasts an hour. So working from home has amazing benefits but snow days aren't really one of them. They could be but when your clients are down south or the west coast work still carries on. Now the juggling act comes into play. Crafts, check email, lunch and snow fun, log into work, nap time and cuddling, responding to emails sent out in the morning. As I repeat my day in my head I catch myself saying to myself "embrace the day somehow" I lay myself on the couch with my cup of coffee and embrace the view. Because nothing in life is easy. Not snow days. Not work days. Not any day. BUT how you embrace it makes a world of a difference.