Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pink Lemons...Who Knew

I love to cook and before Blue Apron I always made my same safe dishes. Well this has helped me explore different recipes and be comfortable with new foods. So in my box this week I get a pink lemon. PINK! Yes I know you're thinking pink lemonade but have you ever actually seen a pink lemon? I haven't and it was so cool. So girly, so pretty. Definitely a different taste then a regular lemon yet still bitter. Oh my Blue Apron how I adore you. 

Readers I have 5 weeks of food to give away for free. If you're interested in getting a week free then email me your email and I will have blue apron contact you to send you the box. $60 free for three meals. It comes raw with recipe card and step by step how to prepare.  No catch. No incentive to me just sharing a product I really love.

Hang In There Moms...You Still Got It!

A little humor for you moms, you still got it girl!

Spring Forward Humor

Source: Facebook Good Housekeeping 101

Two Hour Delay For Norwalk: Back To School They Go

Snow days oh how it makes me think two things: I love my kids but I don't think they like each other. It's true. The amount of fighting, yelling and arguing that took place yesterday was a little too much for me. One on one my kids are awesome combined well it's over the top. 

I was laying in the couch and they are playing pretend like they have swords and my middle one cried she poked my belly but the oldest didn't in "pretend" play she did so as they go back and forth I turn to my phone and put on some music. They stop what they are doing and my living room turns into a dance party. 

Snow days you envision staying in bed or the couch to catch up on sleep and movies. Well the only one who caught up on zzz's was my dog. 

How was your snow day?