Monday, March 20, 2017

Sometimes You Just Need A Break & That's Ok

A couple weeks ago I couldn't get out of bed, no matter how many times I tried I couldn't. All I wanted to do was sleep. It was so not like me. I am full of energy. I schedule plans all the time. I like to keep busy, try new places, work. I run on 5-6 hours of sleep and usually when I feel run down self medicate and take Tylenol and I bounce back. Not that day. I wasn't bouncing back and it was a little scary. 

My mom even called and asked why I wasn't responding to texts. I am sleeping. Oh no what's wrong she asked. I didn't even know!

It was like I could relate to when they say someone was depressed and just can't get out of bed. Now the week prior I threw my daughter a party, had a lot of major projects at work to complete and attended a couple meetings for school and a board I am on. So yes it was a busy week but I crashed. I mean hard. I stayed in bed until 9:00 am then crashed on my couch. What's wrong with you my husband asked nothing I snapped I just want to sleep, I need a break. So I finally got up cleaned up breakfast gave my little ones a bath then crashed again. I got up paid my taxes and my husband said take the afternoon off and do what you want. I just want to sleep I said and that's exactly what I did.

 I took a four hour nap. I just didn't want to face the day or anything else. My body kept saying "nope" whenever I got up. It was pretty awful. Luckily my mother in law kept the little ones for the night and after I woke up I watched a movie with my oldest daughter then slept another seven hours through the night. I woke up and felt guilty. Like wow I wasted my weekend in bed but it wasn't a waste. See we need a time out. Pushing ourselves always isn't a good thing. It kindof scared me to think that I could have just kept sleeping. I didn't even care to eat. I just wanted to escape the world and sleep. Of course I woke up feeling good but there are still days I wake up and day "not today" and don't want to face the day. Thank goodness those moments are slim but those moments teach me it's ok to not always be happy. It's ok to not always do for others. That day I needed to take care of me. Something I hardly do. That day my body said "slow down girl" and I had no choice but to listen. 

World Down Syndrome Day Is Tomorrow March 21st

Be sure to show your support. "We are all Different and that's Beautiful!"

Palmers Market In Darien CT

I finally stopped in this place today with my little one. I kept seeing awesome pictures of their items and hearing about it. It's a super cute place with a fully stocked grocery store with an awesome bakery, great deli counter, a large selection for their fish market and gift shop all wrapped into one. Oh and don't forget florist shop. We stopped in to grab a couple of items and left with lunch and dessert. This donut was less than a $1 and we split one in the store and went back to buy another, that's how good it was. The tortellini pesto salad was delicious and my little one loved the vegetable soup. 

It is located directly across from  Noroton Heights Train Station. Check it out!

The Easter Bunny Is Coming To Westfarms Mall Starting March 24th

Come Meet The Easter Bunny and Explore Bunnyville 

Event Information:

WHAT:  Adventures in Bunnyville & photos with the Easter Bunny at Westfarms 

WHEN: March 24th through April 15th, 2017 Monday through Saturday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

WHERE: Westfarms Mall • Center Court Farmington, CT 

Easter Bunny will greet visitors in Bunnyville -- a three-dimensional town for kids to explore. Located on the shopping center’s lower level in Center Court, Bunnyville features many places to visit including Hoppin’ Fresh Bakery, Hare Salon and 24 Carrot Bank. The last stop along the adventure is an opportunity to visit with the Easter Bunny and have photos taken. Those who visit the Easter Bunny will receive a complimentary gift (while supplies last). This special family-friendly holiday experience is being offered exclusively at Westfarms from March 24th to April 15th. This annual event is free for the public to attend.

Photo packages may be purchased onsite.

For more information visit

Image and info provided by Sirica Marketing & PR