Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Take It Back To Your Roots

Think about how you are and why you are the way you are,most of the time it's due to your roots  how you were raised, how relationships around you were, who your role models were. Being a parent isn't easy  I always joke which one of my kids will end up in therapy. But reality is we are shaping,molding, creating a lifestyle that our child will copy and mimic. That's a lot of pressure I know. 

Being a kid isn't easy either. Fighting for freedom, wanting to explore the world, having people to answer to. Being bosses around. 

I really try to keep my kids happy and loved and show them good values that they will hopefully carry along with them. But I am not perfect. This is a good reminder to do what you can to be what you wanted and needed when you were a child. Be that person and your kids will turn out just fine!

Tuesdays: Ice Cream From Carvel- Cookie Butter Oh My!

Every Tuesday my father helps me out by picking up my oldest from school. They have a ritual every week to stop at Carvel for ice cream. They meet me after at my parents house. In the beginning she would try simple flavors and bring vanilla home for her sisters. Every week they ask if I want something, I always said no thanks since I really didn't need the extra calories. But then she came home with this flavor- Cookie Butter. Now I don't know how to explain it. It taste amazing. It's not strong like a cookie flavor but the more it melts the tastier it becomes. I have heard of it before just not in ice cream form. I believe people use it as an ingredients when they bake. It boosts the flavor. I know it comes in a jar like peanut butter and I have tried it like that and was amazing. But in ice cream form is a whole other level. 

Of course now we all-including me-get a cup every Tuesday.