Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Time Has Come...Blood Work Tomorrrow

My last doctor's appointment with my Thyroid doctor didn't go well. My levels were off. She upped my meds again and said it was time for a change. So I did a couple of things. I fought for inner peace and I joined a gym. It's been four weeks of working out. Started out three times a week. Now I am doing four times. It's awesome. Painful but awesome. Tonight I ran for the first time in four years. Not for long. I ran. Then did high incline. Ran. Then incline. 

Tomorrow morning I go for blood work and Wednesday meet with her to review my levels. Now why am I so nervous? Because six months prior to my last visit my levels were perfect. We need me to get back to perfect. She also ordered a cancer blood screen which makes me nervous too but I have been feeling great so now time will only tell.