Thursday, August 10, 2017

Beach Zen

There's this calmness that overcomes you when you hear the ocean. We take little things like these for granted! Amazing views, the feeling of the warmth of sun on our body and the sound of the ocean. It's good. Rea good and when you arrive before the rush it's even better. Love my mornings here. Simple. Quiet. A couple of hours before starting the day. Try it. You may enjoy it!

Devon's Place In Norwalk CT

I have been taking the kids here for years  it's amazing how many people don't know about this hidden gem. It's a playground past the parking lot of Stepping Stones Museum, right near the tennis courts. There's a splash pad where kids can have fun and cool down. If you haven't been...GO!

We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing, free, fun activities to do with our kids. Take the time and do them!


Easy & Delicious Clambake Recipe

I love my group of mommy friends. I always walk away from our get togethers happy and full! Last get together at my house my friend said she wanted to host the next one at her house and do a clam bake.  Now all I can think of is how much work that is. When I arrived she showed me setup and I helped her assemble these super easy pockets of goodness. It was delicious!! All they need are 10 minutes on the grill! Now yes it takes more time the more you make because to be safe she measured out each one and we made 12 of them. I couldn't stop eating it. 

What you need:
1 cup melted butter
Juice of 3 lemons
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoon of Old Bay Seasoning
4 large red potatoes
1 pound shrimp- peeled and deveined
4 ears of corn cut into 3 pieces an ear
1 package of kabosis cut into quarters 
Aluminum foil

Pre boil the corn and potatoes separately. Add butter, old bay, lemon juice, garlic together. Add in shrimp, kabosis, corn and potatoes. Coat with wet ingredients. Lay on top of a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold aluminum foil until all food covered to not let air in. Place on grill for ten minutes. Absolutely delicious!!