Sunday, September 24, 2017

Parenthood: Making Your Kids Happy Even If They Cheer for the Wrong Team

We are Yankees Baseball Fans. We meaning her dad,my dad, my sister... Yet my oldest daughter has switched gears and became a Mets Fan. One may say to bust my hubby or because her cousins are fans or because one day she heard a controversial story about a Yankee player and changed gears. Regardless two years later I found myself buying Mets shirts for the whole family and heading to Citi Field. My husband joked he was putting on a Yankees jersey but after some time
gave into the fact that as parents you do a lot of things you don't want to do to make your kids happy. 

Her school was doing a Mets Game to raise money for PTO so we can voucher we did it for a good reason but reality is the kids had a blast and I got to
Check out the stadium . I say the next game should be the Boston Red Sox. I mean while we are at it we might as well check out the team I loved growing up- even if it was just because I loved the team colors. 

 2015 1st Yankees Game       2017 1st Mets Game