Saturday, December 2, 2017

Feel Good Song: The Prayer: Celine Dion ft Andrea Bocelli

There's so many times we get stuck in situations we try to run from. Most of the times it's issues within ourselves. We try to find someone to help bring out the best of us and try to stay in situations we think will one day change. But they don't always. Sometimes relationship need to end, for good. Regardless how hard it is to be alone. It's better to be alone then in the wrong situation. I feel this song is meant for us all lost in our journey. Stuck in relationships and situations that we can't seem to get out of or that don't bring out the best of us. People don't always change. But you can change. It takes work but in time you can be in a happy environment and if not you can at least be happy with yourself. You can't keep running back to a situation you think will get better when they end up staying the same or even get worse. Being alone is hard but not as hard as being in a situation that doesn't make you happy or can never make you fully happy. It's a disservice to the person you are with and yourself to stay where you shouldn't be. 

Greenwich Reindeer Holiday Stroll

Checked this out today and so fun. They hand out cookies and coffee coupons, there are food trucks. We even got a glass of prosecco at Stuart Weitzman. Stopped in Le Pain Quotidien Bakery for a free coffee we got from coupon and picked up an amazing cheese almond danish. There are carolers and a live navity scene. It's going on tomorrow too.  Learn More Here:

Give Back To Your Drivers...

Love this idea and will be doing it too to give some appreciation. 

Holiday Lights Stamford CT

Who says lights are just for kids? Tonight checked out 65 Lewelynn Drive in Stamford with my sister. It was so magical. Ironically I used to go here when I was younger and was nice
to see this again. Be sure to go, with or without the kids. We all could use some holiday cheer!