Saturday, January 13, 2018

Fun At Arthur Ave...Food, Fun, Childhood Memories

Why do I love Arthur Ave? Well of course for the food but mostly because it brings me back to my roots, to my childhood, to my heritage. I took a trip down with my sister and my parents and it’s been years since I have been here which is sad since my father normally goes every Sunday. I love that everything is the same, Casa De Mozzarella still has the best mozzarella
I ever had which helps waiting in line when your dad is friends with all the workers and you snack on the fresh cheese, that is like butter and melts in your mouth, while you shop. The marketplace still has the same workers selling the vegetables and fruit at the stands. The cigar shop is still open where you can see them hand roll fresh cigars. Then there’s the fun Italian pastries and goodies. Where everything reminds you of a great memory. Reminds you of your grandparents and growing up.  Traditions, food, laughs- lots of laughs. So good for my soul and belly. Can’t wait to go back, we are already talking about our next ride down. Do something that brings you back to your happy place.

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