Sunday, January 7, 2018

It All Matters: Thank You Mom

I won't lie, it's a lot of work. Sundays you envision relaxing,calm children and well we all know that doesn't always happen. It was a little nuts and I tried to get them all into their own calm projects. One was playing shopkins, the other we were practicing flash cards, my oldest was on her razor. I reminded her of her spelling test and divisions test tomorrow. She kindof went in panic mode. I practiced her spelling with her and loaded her math practice tests on my computer. She has trouble with math because she's been rushing through it. Not reading the full questions. So I was glad she was able to load her school program and practice. After 30 mins was time for bed. She came up to me and said "Thank you Mom for ALL and EVERYTHING you do". 

I could have cried. It was very touching. I was tired. It's a lot doing it solo. But it was amazing for her to appreciate it. It's amazing to have it acknowledged even if it came from a 9 year old. See we all are just seeking some credit in a small way for all we do. We all need to be acknowledged for all the effort we make. The extra steps we take to be a good parent. A good person. To help our children grow and excel. Grateful my girls see my efforts. Grateful she appreciated me pushing her to practice. I asked if she felt more ready for her tests for tomorrow, she shook her head yes and kissed my cheek.   


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