Thursday, February 22, 2018

We All Want Our Moms When We Are Sick

First time both kids slept through the night since their surgery and let me tell you if they didn’t I think I would have gotten sick myself. Lack of sleep is torture to the body. It was like I had newborns all over again- waking up every three hours- except this time they would call for me in pain. You couldn’t help but feel awful for them yet pray for some rest. 

My oldest had the toughest time. She would leave for her Dad’s house then call me to get her. He’s a great Dad but we all want out moms when we are sick. It came to a point that I could predict her moves so I canceled my plans for th night and napped because I knew she would be home. 

Now my three year old recovered about three days faster than my nine year old. Which is crazy because they say the older you get the harder to recover. The other amazing thing about tonsil surgery is that my kids no longer snore. That’s a huge thing for me. Of course you panic at first to make sure they are breathing, but when they snores it’s like they struggled to breath.  But so glad they finally get real, normal sleep, and taste and smell like they should. It’s been a long journey but glad it’s only up hill from here. 

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