Thursday, March 8, 2018

Today’s Lesson: Just Keep Doing Your Best

I love my kids. They are my everything but sometimes they make me want to put myself in a time out. Even though their Dad is very active in their lives when I have them I am doing it solo. It’s me cooking and cleaning and cleaning and cooking. There’s some fun inbetween the yelling and time outs. But when they leave I always say to myself “you can do better”. 

There’s this pressure of working and wanting to stay sane. There’s times when they are at their Dad’s house and my house is so quiet. You can hear every noise the house makes. Then there’s times they are home and it’s total chaos. I need an inbetween. A middle ground. Where there’s more balance. Less chaos. Less quietness. Just balance. I haven’t figured out how yet but I know I will get there. I have to just keep saying just keep doing your best. 

Parenting isn’t easy. Having three kids isn’t easy. If I could split myself in three I would. But that’s not an option. All I can do is keep loving, keep cleaning, keep cooking, keep trying and being grateful for the love they give me in return. 

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