Saturday, March 10, 2018

Today’s Lesson: Let The Consequences Work In Your Favor

I am trying hard to really understand why I react the way I do to situations to help bring more peace in my life. So I noticed finally why I get so upset when the kids don’t listen and fight and ignore my requests- being angry gets me tired. Since my Thyroid came out whenever I get mad my body crashes after. Bones hurt. Achey. And it prevents me from wanting to do stuff. SO I explained that to the kids yesterday morning. I said I don’t like to yell. I don’t want to get angry. But when I do I get tired and I can’t do what I need to do. So NEW RULE: instead of me getting upset you are going to do a chore. If you don’t listen you will clean up something because when I get mad I get too tired to do it so you will have to do it for me. 

Worked like a charm! Once my daughter had to sweep the kitchen. After that they all have been sweet as pie, listening, not talking back. Hoping this tiny miracle lasts if not then my house will end up spotless. 

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