Thursday, April 5, 2018

I Am Nothing I Once Was...

I am not the same person I was a year ago...6 months ago...a month ago. I have pushed myself to deal with challenges. I have set goals and keep pushing to succeed. I have so many minor yet amazing projects in the “works” that sometimes I look myself in the mirror and ask “who is this girl?!”  I just smile because through all the bad there’s good. There’s strengthen. There’s opening your mind up to believe you can. Because when you believe you can. You will! one on your “team” wants failure for you! You hold the key to push yourself to succeed. I have a mentor now. She’s amazing. She’s pushed me to  actually after three and half years take time to focus on me and with that I finally have a company website that will be a website I am proud to share. It’s still being finalized but I did it. I helped design it and finally finished the content and my amazing cousin is making my huge task, burden, put on the back burner, website come to life and I am laying in bed smiling. 

A HUGE checklist off my “to do list”.  To create an image of me that I am proud of. 

I finally got my little one into a Pre K I love. I finally registered my middle on for Kindergarten at a school I love out of our district. 

I am working with the heads of a local community to implement a change in their facilities to cater to families and our community and it’s huge. It’s rewarding. I can’t wait to see it come to life and say I helped make it happen!

I am making stuff happen. It’s minor sure to some but HUGE to me. I have to succeed. My girls depend on that. Their future depends on that. My goals are to be at my very best regardless of challenges along the way. My goal is to be the best mom, best worker, best daughter, sister, friend, person, version of me!


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