Sunday, April 1, 2018

Moms You Are Superheroes

The cooking and planning. The after school activities and sport signups. The driver to all places. Volunteering for Pto and fundraising. School involvement. Field trip chaperones. Teacher gift giver. The homework battles and endless school projects. The keeping it together and smiling even when you’re exhausted. The meal peeps. Lunch packing. Snack prepping. Breakfast making. Endless loving and balancing and juggling. The head of the family. The organizer. Party planning. Birthday shopping. Gift giving. Picture day outfits. The constant go to for “Mom please don’t get upset but...” Or “Mom can I tell you something” “Mom I don’t feel well”. Yep that’s what Moms do! 

We do it all. While juggling careers. Jobs. Bills. Friendships. Relationships. Our own life and sanity. No this is NOT easy but worth it- yep 100%. Complete Happiness even through the chaos. 

Cheers are the true Superheroes!

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