Thursday, May 31, 2018

Start Your Next Chapter...

Don’t stay where you don’t belong. Don’t stay in a relationship that does not give you what you need for your mind, body and soul. Don’t avoid risks because you are afraid of the outcome. Don’t stay at a job that you dread going to everyday. 

We live this one life that is filled with so many chapters. 

Don’t be stuck on just one of them! You owe it to yourself to be happy. Fill your book. Turn your pages!

Did Someone Say Donuts...

June 1st is National Donut Day! Um, yum! 

Whether it’s Donut Crazy maple bacon donut or Donut Delight honey glazed donut or even Donut Donuts frosted donuts, everyone enjoys a good donut. 

Donut Crazy and Dunkin Donuts are giving away one free donut with any drink purchase tomorrow in honor of this day. 


Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!

This is easier said than done but trust me, it works. There’s time when you are happy and then someone comes and tries to steal it. That’s when you just don’t even reply. Arguments always stop when you don’t add to it. I like being happy. I like to be carefree but there’s times someone hits a nerve and I could put up a good fight. Tonight was one of them and then I realized I had to just stop responding to the texts. Not let it get to me. Ignore the argument that I didn’t even want to participate in. Minutes later the problem went away. 

See we feel we need to justify ourselves when someone is on a attack mode. You don’t. No justifying. Just live your life. Be happy. Let go of the ones who want to encourage you to fight. Trust me. They only have the power if you allow them to. Reality is, YOU have the power. 

Try it! 

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Honoring Those Who Fought For Our Freedom

“I just enrolled myself, after college I decided to go” a friend I met said to me after he told me he was in the Military and got deployed twice to Iraq. Do you ever have PTSD I asked. No he said but I do get flashbacks and I try to just cope when I do. 

He wore a name bracelet in honor of a friend who lost his life when he was deployed. It’s real. It’s real courage. Real stregethen. They are just like you and me but they take a chance. Risk their life. Try to protect us and our country. Today is in honor of those people. Those who lost their battle to protect us. Protect people they haven’t even had a chance to meet. 

That’s real courage and pride and real love for our country!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Playland 90th Anniversary Celebration This Weekend

This weekend Playland Park is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Tickets for ride entry is $15 each. Check out the other fun family filled activities they have going on to celebrate their anniversary. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Memorial Day Parades in CT 2018

It wouldn’t feel like Memorial Day without BBQ’s and  Parades. Check out the list of Parades taking place around Connecticut this weekend. 

 2018 Memorial Day Parades in CT

Set Yourself Free!

Let go and start over. The process is hard at first. But just like any change, everyday things get easier and easier. My heart and soul has never been more free and by free I mean happy for focusing on me and what makes me truly happy!

Set yourself free too!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Memorial Day Desserts

Hard to believe this weekend is Memorial Day! This weather has been so unpredictable that it will be nice to finally be able to enjoy the pool and some BBQ’s. Below is a great guide of awesome desserts to take to any gathering this weekend.

47 Desserts That Will Seriously Make Your Memorial Day 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Royal Wedding... Fairy Tales Do Exist

I know sounds cheesy but I am laying in bed and watching the Royal Wedding and smiling. Smiling that love is real and good and fairy tales do exist. 

The power of love! 

Going through a divorce you let go of the fairy tales. You focus on yourself and being good and put up a guard. But we all have this weakness in us. The need to be desired and loved. 

Don’t let anything in your life make you think you won’t have a fairy tale life. You can and will. Just sometimes we have to get through lessons to reach our Fairy Tale. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Fun Guide To Do On Mother’s Day!

Moms rock! This Mother’s Day I hope you have something special planned for her! Not sure what to do then check out this cool guide.

Things to do with mom on Mother's Day 2018 in Connecticut 

Cactus Rose in Wilton Birthday Fun

This place is amazing. The ambiance is so pretty and food is delicious. I sipped on a blood orange margarita. Delicious! Their calamari salad is my all time favorite. Then they came out with th coolest way to sing happy birthday....

 Was a magical moment!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

All The Special Occasions Solo and Ok!

I did it. I wanted to get through all the holidays and occasions solo and today is my Birthday. I am celebrating tonight with my kids and my twin sister and I woke up with a heart of grattitude. 

Grateful that I had found the strengthen to get through some of life’s toughest journeys. For the love my kids give me. My daughter said she went with her dad to get me gifts. Which I really appreciate.  Before bed she said Happy Birthday.  Middle of night she hops in my bed and says it and then this morning turns and says mom Happy Birthday. Love you. My girls are my everything. Just love the fact that they adore me as much as I adore them. They want me to be happy and for being so young it’s so mature of them. 

My sister has been my rock. She knows everything plus some about me and my journey. Having a twin isn’t something you can explain to a non twin. It’s this magical connection to someone. Forever grateful for her and for having my back and letting me vent more than I prob should. For letting me say everything and anything to her. For her honesty and being someone I can always count on. 

This age is special to me. It’s showed me that I can be whatever I want to be. I can do whatever I want to do. I can wake up with a gratitude and going to bed with gratitude knowing that in life stuff happens and well it’s ok. You get through it. 

Cheers to you and ME!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Check Out M.EAT Provisions In Westport CT

Sunshine just screams grilling! How do you take your M.EAT? 100% organic meat.  Located in Westport, CT.  Check them out: