Saturday, June 2, 2018

Instant Gratification...It Takes Time

I have seen it over and over again. The trader, the weight loss junkie, the women and men wanting something and wanting it now without much effort. Instant gratification- to be rewarded fast to fill the need to feel good, make fast money, fulfill a void. 

It has to change. I get we all have a need to keep a spark in us alive. I do this too! But we takes TIME!

Effort- put some real effort into whatever you want to fulfill. Whether advancing in a career, loosing weight, finding a significant other or making money and being wealthy. The desire to fulfill our want is something we want NOW, in an instant. But what people forget it takes time. Strategy. Patience. 

We all have this need in us. The need to reach the top without dealing with the “middle”. Middle is the process to reach that gratification. The middle is the MOST important. 

Why? Because it teaches you lessons! When you act on impulse it can backfire. The process in between teaches you a lot. People forget that. 

The excitement of reaching and achieving fast results is amazing but it is short lived. 

So my advice, to the people dating, to the trader who isn’t having luck, to the newbie at work, to the young and older adults looking to achieve, fast, quick, gratification...STOP! 

Process the journey. Trust me. The lessons are much more rewarding and beneficial than the end result. 

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