Thursday, January 18, 2018

Truly Devote Your Time To Your Kids

I always say I wish I could split myself into three! After school is always this weird time in my house. If we don’t have an after school activity to go to I try to rush the kids home for snack and homework so then they have some down time. They are always so hyper which blows my mind since they spent the last 6 hours at school. Sometimes they are super cranky and clingy and making dinner becomes almost impossible. They are constantly eating and making a mess and I try to tell myself let it be and just clean up after bedtime. 

So yesterday my oldest daughter tells me she has her math test for today. I kindof cringe. I know it stresses her out. She’s been having some trouble with it. A lot
of word problems and I feel she just guesses instead of working the problems out. So after dinner and homework and shower time I sit down and finally review it with her. Meanwhile her little sister is hyper and jumping all over me to get some attention. I finally find an activity for her to do so I can devote some time with my oldest. 

I love her school. Truly do. Much harder work than her previous school and I like that because it is preparing her better for middle school.  But I do notice kids at her previous school struggle with Math in the upper levels. No school is a like regardless of being in same town. I totally believe math she learned is completely different then her current school and I believe her current school is more advanced. I get why but it’s a downfall for kids who will later struggle in a middle school. 

I do love that her school gives the kids access to do reviews and prep tests for assignments. Luckily math is one of them. So my daughter does some practice tests. As a parent it’s frustrating because you can tell she’s guessing. I finally say relax. Take your time and work out the problem. There’s no rush. I don’t expect 100. I just want you to pass and feel more confident. And I even told her if she needs a Tutor to help her feel better I will be sure to get her one.   She does one practice test and gets a couple wrong. Next practice test she gets one wrong. I ask her to stop so she gets some down time before bed but she insists and still practicing.  The next practice test she gets none wrong. She turns to me and smiles and says she feels better now about having her test. 

I pick her up after school and I am just dying to know how she did. She asked me to guess and I said 70. She said nope. I think crap did she fail this one. God I am going to need to hire a tutor. She shouts 85. I am beyond happy for her. Just knowing that she is improving from her previous scores made my whole night. Her teacher asked her what helped and she told her she practiced a lot the night before. 

Now I get it parents. You work. Come home. Make dinner. Have kids to tend to. Showers and bath time. Packing lunches for next day but STOP. Talk to your children. Make a small effort. If I wasn’t so in tune with my kids I would have never known she struggled with math. Take the time. I was exhausted doing the practice tests with her while tending to my other two but make an effort. It pays off. Truly does.