Sunday, March 4, 2018

Today’s Lesson: You Can’t Move Forward If You Are Holding Onto Anger

This is easier said than done. BUT...yes there’s a can’t move forward, truly start a fresh life, truly get happiness, unless you let go of anger. Now this doesn’t only apply to relationships ending, it applies to anything in your life that has caused you hurt and pain and anger. You have to learn to let it go. Doesn’t mean the pain goes away just means you don’t let the anger consume you. Change you. Prevent you from being happy. You may be angry that a loved one passes away or angry at losing a job. All that has to come to the surface so you can then heal and move forward.  We all have triggers in us the brings that anger to the surface. Let it go. Nothing good comes out of being angry. Let go of anger so you can move forward and be happy. Truly. With all your heart and soul. Be happy!

Ludal’s In North Haven...Amazing!

Oh. My. Oh. My. I don’t normally select an Italian Restaurant to go to since I am Italian. A friend suggested dinner at Ludal’s in North Haven and after checking out the menu I was all for it and it was amazing! 

Kind of reminded me of a traditional Italian family dinner. Started off we amazing bread and garlic knots, then we got our appertizers. Then they bring you a salad- included in dinner- then you get your main course. And just when you think you will Pop you get the dessert menu. So worth the drive and such fun company. Was totally an awesome night! Be sure to check it out. I can’t wait to go back.