Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Calm Before The Storm...Go Away Snow

Was a great day to have the kids play in the backyard after school. So hard to believe we may get a foot of snow tomorrow. I saw these in my yard and it felt like Spring. I felt bad that they will soon be buried under so much snow. My sister suggested I bring them in- genius so I did. They opened up once they were in the house and are beautiful. I love Spring. I love how daylight savings makes it light out for so long. I love all the awesome events going on around town. I love not making the kids wear a jacket. Easter is one of my favorite holidays so I have that to look forward to. Everyone just seems happier in the Spring. But we must first get through this storm- hopefully the last one- but in the meantime happy to have rescued these flowers to help me remember Spring is really just around the corner!

Easter Bunny is Coming to the Danbury Fair Mall March 10th 2018

Hop on down to the Danbury Fair Mall on Saturday, March 10th. Enjoy fun “Easter” activities and then take a picture with the Easter Bunny.