Thursday, May 31, 2018

Start Your Next Chapter...

Don’t stay where you don’t belong. Don’t stay in a relationship that does not give you what you need for your mind, body and soul. Don’t avoid risks because you are afraid of the outcome. Don’t stay at a job that you dread going to everyday. 

We live this one life that is filled with so many chapters. 

Don’t be stuck on just one of them! You owe it to yourself to be happy. Fill your book. Turn your pages!

Did Someone Say Donuts...

June 1st is National Donut Day! Um, yum! 

Whether it’s Donut Crazy maple bacon donut or Donut Delight honey glazed donut or even Donut Donuts frosted donuts, everyone enjoys a good donut. 

Donut Crazy and Dunkin Donuts are giving away one free donut with any drink purchase tomorrow in honor of this day. 


Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy!

This is easier said than done but trust me, it works. There’s time when you are happy and then someone comes and tries to steal it. That’s when you just don’t even reply. Arguments always stop when you don’t add to it. I like being happy. I like to be carefree but there’s times someone hits a nerve and I could put up a good fight. Tonight was one of them and then I realized I had to just stop responding to the texts. Not let it get to me. Ignore the argument that I didn’t even want to participate in. Minutes later the problem went away. 

See we feel we need to justify ourselves when someone is on a attack mode. You don’t. No justifying. Just live your life. Be happy. Let go of the ones who want to encourage you to fight. Trust me. They only have the power if you allow them to. Reality is, YOU have the power. 

Try it!