It Started Off As Just Lunch...

We get to spend every Sunday together. It used to be just lunch but now it’s an all day event. We have lunch. Go for a walk. Cousins get to play. Me and my sisters get to catch up on life. My parents join in on the laughs. Then we order dinner and hang some more. The kids love it. We love it. My parents love it. Everyday I am grateful for my Pop. He sits around a table of 8 girls and one son in law and always smiles. It’s not about the fancy things in life or money or the struggles. It’s about coming together once a week and no one being in a hurry to leave. 

There’s no price tag for this. Three generations together. Every Sunday. It’s a beautiful thing. 

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads. My dad is still the first man I call whenever I need something. He’s still my “superhero” to the rescue. Always has my back and makes sure to always ask me “are you ok, are you happy”. 

Thanks Dad and thanks to all the Dads who make every child’s life easier. Works hard to provide the best for them. Cherish’s the moments you have with your kids and will always put them first over your own needs. 

Cheers to you!

Stuffed Churros El Segundo Sono...Oh My!

Best I ever had! You can’t come here and NOT get their amazing churros. This week we had them and they were filled with dulce de leche. Absolutely amazing that we ordered another round.