We Can’t Help It...Italian Girl Moods

Being Italian this totally explains it all. We are either lovers but yet can easily turn into little fighters. It’s our instinct to love with our all or make sure you know we aren’t happy. 

Balance...that’s what we need to work on. Enjoy the laugh!

Stay For Dinner...Health Kick...

I have been on this 6 week health kick. Wake up work out, eat good all day. My body has never felt better. Stronger. Fit. Happy. 

So my mom says for me to stay for dinner. She will make Salmon and vegetables. Sure mom. She made other things for the kids too. When I walk into her kitchen she pulls out these dishes. Um.. yum. 

Roasted peppers. Red peppers. Grilled eggplant. Roasted carrots and she even threw in grilled zucchini. After dinner she packed it all up and said enjoy. 

I have veggies for days!

Moms rock. But mine is extra special. She always does stuff with a smile. She will set your butt straight if you need to but there’s nothing I can’t share with her and there’s nothing she wouldn’t do to make sure I am happy. 

That’s love!

So with the official start of summer I challenge YOU to get in shape too. To focus on being a healthier version of you. To be good to your body. To be strong. Healthy. Fit. And of course....HAPPY!