Sunday, February 17, 2019

There’s No Catch...Just Have Some Fun

After over a year my divorce was finally finalized in November. The journey taught me a lot. I definitely wasn’t the same person from when the process started. I actually grew to love the person I became through it all. My ex is an awesome father to our girls but there’s a time in your life when you have to accept when your journey with someone has ended. 

Once you learn to be alone. Really fully alone you are kindof reborn again. You start to become selfish. And selfish not in a bad way. It’s your time to date yourself. Be your own friend. I started to make a bucket list. I started to explore new food and restaurants. New events. I started to wake up and say wow what a great life. I am happy. My kid’s are happy. Life is good. 

You have to be able to sort through a lot to reach that point. 

Now a single mom to three girls, 10 yrs and under. I may never want to marry again. I don’t want anymore children. I just want fun. Happiness. Good adventures. I want to wake up and go to bed with a smile. 

I am not saying you have to be divorced to have this mentality. I am saying going through the process helped me reach this mentality. Enjoy your life. Embrace it. 

Seek happiness and let’s have some fun. Where everyday you wake up and look in the mirror and smile. Where stress isn’t preventable but it is part of life. Try to let it roll off your back. 

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