Monday, February 25, 2019

Walk In With Confidence...Always

She’s at an age that somehow I can relate to. Where you have a love hate relationship with people. One minute things are good. Next something happens and emotions shift. It’s normal I told my daughter. Even Adults deal with conflict. With bullies. With situations that one minute everything is good with people in your life and next they aren’t. 

Always walk in the room with confidence I told her. No matter where you are. Who you are with. Own the room. Smile. Sit and process before you react. 

It happened to me last week. I am on a lot of boards in the community. One discussion got a little heated. One member was very aggressive in her belief and everyone in the room clammed up. I can’t stand a bully.  I processed everything  and looked around the room. Then I unleashed. I was careful with my words but the minute I spoke another leader whispered “Thank You” to me and emailed me later for my great contribution to the group. 

You don’t need to argue I told my daughter. You will always have conflict but it’s about your approach. Your self confidence. No one can take that from you unless you allow it. 

I may be viewed as a person with a strong voice but that’s why I get nominated for these boards. I present my opinion. My thoughts on change, backed with facts. With reason for change. Leave emotions aside as much as possible. Smile. Walk in with confidence. Own the room. 

Everywhere you go. Every situation. Regardless of what people say your self confidence can’t be stolen from you unless you allow them to steal it!

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